Preschool Hunting 101

Preschool Hunting. Oye. From the outside, it’s seems like it couldn’t be that complicated. But, once you’re in the thick of it, it can be really overwhelming. I’ve spent the last few weeks visiting or talking with over a dozen preschools, and with the Moms whose kids...

Tidy Tips For Busy Homes

Our foyer/dining room – one place where toys do NOT “live”. So I am a “tidy” person who generally has a very “tidy” home. I think it’s mostly because ever since I left for college, I’ve lived in really small spaces – dorm rooms, sorority house,...

What Not To Say To Pregnant Women

“How much weight have you gained?” “It’s about time! We’ve been wondering when you’d have another kid!” “Whoa….. you’re going to have wine? While pregnant?” “Are you old enough to have a child?” “You wouldn’t cut off your own eyelid, so why would you circumcise your...